Lease Acquisitions
At Stag Land Services, our team of highly skilled Landmen are in the business of acquiring leases and minerals for our clients. Through experience, good ole hard-work and trust, Stag prides itself in getting deals done that work for all parties involved. Please contact us if we can be of help on your next acquisition!
Our team of industry leading Landmen provide one of the most comprehensive digital title project in the business. Whether its mineral title, full title or drill-site title Stag's finished product is 100% digital and title opinion ready.
Lease Checks
Stag's Landmen are equipped with the expertise to walk into any court house in the nation and determine the lease status for particular parcels or tracts.
Title can often be far from perfect and our goal is to cure any title defects to the satisfaction of our attorneys and clients.
Due Diligence
Stag Land Services title experts provide due diligence services for acquisitions, mergers, farm-in/farm-out agreements and joint operating agreements. Our Landmen and attorneys streamline this process so all parties involved get and receive exactly what was agreed upon with complete peace of mind.
Completed title package includes the following:
- Easy to read Mineral Ownership report depicting mineral and surface ownership.
- Runsheet with clickable hyperlinks to a PDF image of document.
- In depth flowchart mapping out the path to ownership.
- Detailed maps of tracts.
- Well status reports.